The Crick Old School is a CIO Foundation registered with the Charity Commission (Charity number: 1199764).
It is funded by the money raised by hiring its facilities and by grants, donations and other giving.
We need your support to keep this community facility alive and to enable us to maintain and improve the building for the benefit of the residents of Crick. You can help as suggested below. Please give if you can. Even small amounts will help.
Give the COST-of-a-Coffee
The average cost of a coffee in a coffee shop is around £3.00. Please give the cost of a coffee to the Crick Old School Charity by setting up a monthly standing order on your bank account to pay £3.00 to the Crick Old School account details of which are:
Account Name: The Crick Old School
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 67327221
Donate a gift
The Crick Old School would be grateful for any gifts no matter how small made to its account, details above. Alternatively, please make a donation via Give A Little®. Thank you.